Hello and welcome to Van Life Devotions. I’m David and today I want to share that hope is a reason to follow Jesus. During the height of the pandemic lockdown children and adults were painting various pictures of rainbows around streets - I saw them around my streets where I lived. At the time, it was all about hope that we will get through this. The rainbow has been a symbol of hope since the days of Noah with God promising that never again will the earth be destroyed by flood and so the colours of the rainbow have come to symbolise hope.
We all need hope.
Jurgen Moltmann was born in Hamburg, Germany and grew up in a non-religious family. In 1943 at the age of 16 he was drafted into the German Army. As the end of the world war 2 was near to end with heavy German casualties, he was sent to the frontline and eventually surrendered to the first British soldier he met. From 1945 to 1948, he was confined as a prisoner of war (POW) and moved from camp to camp. As a prisoner of war, he was given a small copy of the Bible by a chaplain and reading this gave him hope. Soon afterwards he wrote: “I never decided for Christ, but I am sure that, then and there, in the dark pit of my soul, he found me”.
After his release, he was so convicted of his new faith that he became a professor at a German University teaching the Bible. Just a few years ago, aged in his 90s, his thoughts on Christian hope still hadn’t changed at all over the years. In fact, he recalls, “Why has Christian theology allowed this theme of hope to escape it? Are not God's promises and human hopes the scarlet thread running right through the prophets of the Old Testament and the apostles of the New?"
And he is right, hope is a major theme throughout the Bible.
Famous atheist Jean-Paul Sartre declared just before his death that he so strongly resisted feelings of despair that he would say to himself, “I know I shall die in hope”. Then, in profound sadness, he added, “But hope needs a foundation”.
And he also is right. Hope does need a foundation, and the Bible teaches that we, you, can have such hope that is built on solid foundation.
The Bible says that because Jesus was raised from death, our hope has foundation. The Resurrection was a divine endorsement of Jesus’ teachings, God’s confirmation that Jesus’ teachings are true. Throughout the gospels Jesus made some big claims. He said that He was God (John 10:30); He spoke about His own death and resurrection well before it happened (Matthew 16:21); He claimed that no person can come to God unless they follow Him (John 14:6). If Jesus remained dead, then His teachings would be lies, His claims false, and there would be little hope.
As Jesus was raised to life, His teachings and claims are all affirmed therefore giving hope that Jesus is who He said He is - Lord and Saviour. Why follow Jesus? Because He gives hope.
The Bible quotes a guy called Paul who once persecuted Christians until he himself became a follower of Jesus: “I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13 NLT).
There is hope that your mistakes and sins can be forgiven. There is hope that you can have joy, peace, assurance, and direction in the midst of despair. There is hope that God hears your prayers and answers them according to His Will. There is hope that Christ is coming back. Your hope is not in your own ability, or in the stars, or in fate. Your hope is instilled in you by the resurrection of Christ. Why follow Jesus? Because He gives confident hope.
The rainbow that God paints in the sky is a beautiful reminder that He is the source of confident hope.
How can you have this hope? Be a follower of Jesus. You don’t need to have all the answers nor be a perfect saint. As you are, i invite you to pray this prayer and then get in contact with us or attend a church.
Please pray with me:
Dear Father God.
I am sorry that I am sinner.
I want to follow Jesus.
Help me to trust You and obey Your teachings.
Grant to me Your confident hope.
In Jesus’ name.
David Moyes