Welcome to Van Life Devotions. As I write this 5 million Australians living in Southeast Queensland and Northern NSW are about to face Cyclone Alfred. Most are doing what they can to prepare for this category 2 cyclone and many are also helping others to prepare.
For most, we haven’t experienced a cyclone and therefore there is a variety of reactions from those who are panicking as seen by the empty food shelves, to those who’s memories of previous natural disasters and their impact has heighten their anxiety. How are you reacting?
In Series 4 of Van Life Devotions, we are looking at reasons to follow Jesus and one of is because He helps us. God is not some distant god. He doesn’t watch you from a distant. He comes to be with those who call out to him.
The bible says that God is our Helper. Knowing that He was going to back to heaven, Jesus told His followers, “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever” (John 14:16 ESV). Why be a follower of Jesus? To receive Help from God.
There’s a story in the Bible about a man facing drowning in a terrible storm. Jesus had just finished feeding at least 10,000 people. It was a busy day. He decided to have a break and to pray. His disciples were now in a boat. Night came and so did a storm. The waves were heavy and those in the boat were scared. But what terrified them more was seeing a person walking on water towards them. It was Jesus who told them who it was and not to be afraid. Now Peter who seemed to be the self-appointed confident leader said to Jesus that if it was really him, help him to walk on water! Jesus said, “alright then, come”. Interestingly Peter did get out and started walking. Now I must admit Peter was either being completely irrational because any sane person knows that we sink in water. Or Peter, possibly by now, started knowing something about this Jesus. After all Jesus was doing the miraculous in walking on that water and earlier in the day, He had transformed the five loaves of bread and two fish into enough food to feed over 10,000 people! And so perhaps Peter was showing a lot of faith in Jesus. Then the wind came up again and when Peter took his eyes off Jesus he began to sink shouting out to Jesus for help. Jesus did help by reaching out His hand for Peter’s and together got back into the boat and Jesus taught Peter about faith.
I too faced drowning. I was snorkelling off the coast in Western Australia. I was with Leisl, and we were about 50 metres from shore when suddenly I found it really hard to breathe. I automatically turned to swim back to shore but found it hard. Leisl was under water and couldn’t hear me. Nobody else was at the beach and to stop and rest was not an option. I had to swim back but I had little breath and so I just cried out to God, “Please help me”. It was hard but I got back. When I was in hospital, they said that I had a heart attack, and I quickly reflected on that prayer. God helped me.
In the Bible, one of its writers wrote “I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth" (Psalm 121:1-2 NIV).
There are many ways God helps those who call out to Him for help – and often He helps in ways we least expected. And as to why He appears to help some and not other remains one of those mysteries of life. As a believer myself, in faith, I know that God is with me, helping to navigate me through this thing we call life. And this gives me peace.
And He can give you this peace too. Why follow Jesus? To receive help from God. He can help you. Cry out to Him “God, please help me”.
How do you follow Jesus? Trust and obey. Trust in faith that Jesus is God’s Son who saved you on the cross. And follow Jesus as Lord by obeying His teachings.
I invite you to pray this prayer with me:
Father God.
I am sorry that I am a sinner.
Thank you for forgiving me.
Please send me Your Spirit to help me.
Enable me to put my trust in You and
to obey Your teachings.
In Jesus’ name
David Moyes