Hello and welcome to Van Life Devotions. In 2010 a group of Australian Senior Pastors of Baptist Churches and I were invited to go on a Mission Exposure Trip to Nepal to view the work that Baptist World Aid is doing through its partners to eliminate poverty. We saw several projects that were started through microfinancing helping families come out from poverty. Today I want to share about a person who commenced an incredible organisation that is literally helping millions being lifted out from poverty through microfinancing.
David Bussau is an inspiring social entrepreneur who has been acknowledged for his innovative approach to solving world poverty. Sadly, he himself experienced another form of poverty when he was eight years old as he was abandoned by his parents. He then spent the next ten years of his childhood and youth in orphanages and foster care in New Zealand. At the age of 15, he began work at a hotdog stand outside a football stadium, and within a few months using his entrepreneurial skills, he had half a dozen such stands. Throughout his 20s David bought into a fish and chip shop and hamburger bar. He married Carol, and in his late 20s they moved to Australia and began working in the construction industry.
At the age of 35 and with numerous successful businesses to his credit, David “retired”, having reached what he refers to as the "economics of enough". But then, in 1974, Cyclone Tracey hit and devastated Darwin and so he and his family moved north and headed up a national movement to assist the victims. Soon after, he began aid work in Bali to help with an earthquake recovery program. As he helped, he realised traditional aid and development solutions may help, but they did little to actually break the cycle of poverty.
It was during this time that David became a pioneer of microfinance, even before the term existed. He offered a small loan of $50 to a struggling Indonesian farmer which enabled him to buy a sewing machine and start a tailoring business with his wife. Their business grew enabling this farmer to repay the loan. Seeing the impact that this microloan had upon one family, David provided loans to another 20 people. These small businesses not only provided for the basic needs of families in poverty, but they also gave people confidence, dignity, and respect. As the loans were being repaid, David was inspired to establish the Maranatha Trust from the proceeds he received after selling his businesses. This trust provided small loans to people living in poverty so they could become entrepreneurs in their local areas.
While David was helping others come out from poverty, another businessman on the other side of the world, Al Whittaker, had been trialling a similar concept in South America. In 1979, the two joined forces to form Opportunity International. Today, according to their Australian website, millions are helped through small loans, health, and education programs. What amazing statistics. David has said that one of his primary motivations for a life spent in giving to others is that he does not want any other child to go through what he did growing up.
David is a committed Christian who is a part of a local church.
As I read about David, I’m inspired by his desire not to be defined by his past rather who he believed God created Him to be and do, and therefore his passion to help others to break free from their past. The Apostle Paul has written, “anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT). Don’t allow the past to define who you are today. In Christ, you are a new person with new purpose. Find that purpose and fulfil it.
David has been recognised for his amazing work by being awarded the Order of Australia; named the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year in 2003; chosen by The Bulletin magazine as one of ‘Australia’s 10 most creative minds’ and awarded Senior Australian of the Year 2008. Well done David and Carol.
Let’s pray:
Dear God. Thank you for David and how you gave him the ability to help millions out from poverty. Thank you that those in Christ are a new creation with new purpose, hope, and abilities. Help me to accept who I am in You. O God, preserve us who travel; surround us with your loving care; protect us from every danger; and bring us in safety to our journey’s end; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
David Moyes
To support the work of Opportunity International please go to https://opportunity.org.au