Hello and welcome to Van Life Devotions Season 4. In this season, we look at the many reasons Why Follow Jesus. Whether you are a follower of Jesus or not, I invite you to listen as to the most important reason to follow Jesus.
In a nutshell, it is to be forgiven by God. This is why we; you need to follow Jesus. Let me explain. You may have never thought about this, but the Bible says that every one of us are sinners? You may be the most well behaved, good hearted, never think a bad thought about anyone including those who have hurt you, nor even get a speeding fine kinda person and yet the Bible says that even you are a sinner. The Bible says, “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard” (Romans 3:23 NLT).
Each of us fall short of God’s standard. What does it matter? Well, the Bible says that it matters a lot. “For the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23 NIV) meaning that we all die. You might think, “ok so I die into nothing” - “I cease living”. Again, the Bible says that there is an afterlife, and everyone will go to either of two places – heaven or hell. Hell is a terrible place of punishment. Heaven is a beautiful place of joy and peace. So missing God’s standard is a big deal.
Throughout history, humankind have tried to reach God’s standard by being good, coming up with new philosophies but none of these work – not even going to church guarantees you a room in heaven.
However, there is good news. It’s not about what you can do. It is all about what Jesus has done for you. When it says in the Bible, “For the wages of sin is death” it goes on to say, “but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23 NIV). What this and the rest of the Bible emphasise is that God saw we humans are far from perfect, sinners, fallen way short of His standards, but in His mercy, He decided to forgive us. Forgiveness means “stop feeling angry or resentful towards (someone) for an offence, flaw, or mistake”. It also means to cancel (a debt). Here’s the thing. God is angered by sin and the more we sin the more our spiritual debt piles up causing great offence to God. That debt must be paid for or else it is punished - “for the wages of sin is death”.
The Bible teaches us that “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16 NIV). This is the good news. Our sinful debt is too much for ourselves to pay back but God in his love for you, me and the world sent His Son Jesus who was crucified on a cross. His death paid the ransom that we owe (Mark 10:45). Because of Jesus’ death the ransom has been paid, and you are forgiven. Your spiritual debt has been wiped cleared.
A few years ago, I was pulled over by the police. I was driving on a disqualified licence. I was stunned. They explained that it had something to do with an unpaid parking ticket. I thought “that’s ok, I’ll paid it now and matter closed”. But it wasn’t. The police officer said I had to go to court. I’ve never been to court except to support others who had to go to court. I paid the fine.
So the day of my court appearing at this Gold Coast Court came around. I was nervous. Were the press going to be at Southport Court “Pastor Jailed. Failed To Pay Parking Fine”. I went dressed in my suit and tie sitting with thieves and drug addicts wearing clothes that probably haven’t been washed for a while but I was as guilty as much as them. The police officer said to us that all those who have a traffic offense it is an immediate 3-months suspension. I sat in that courtroom for 2 hours listening to people’s weak defence as to why though stole or why they did burn outs in front of the police. And for two hours I heard the judge rip into each of the defendants handing down their fines. The judge was cranky with everyone, and I just kept thinking that my turn is coming. And my turn did come. I stood up there. The Police Officer read out that I hadn’t paid my parking fine and therefore my license was suspended, and I was driving. The Judge said, “how do you plead”. I replied, “Guilty Your Honour”. He asked why hadn’t I paid it? I said that I did get a fine and then soon afterwards my wife and I went traveling overseas for five weeks. When we returned, I went through all the mail, and failed to open that one that said that my license will be suspended if I don’t pay the fine. Because I didn’t open it, I didn’t know that my license was suspended. The judge replied, “Yes. I can see that happening”. After a pause, the Judge said to me, “I don’t think that I will see you again in my court” to which I quickly replied “no your honour”. The Judge then said, “you can go”. And with that I left the courtroom with no conviction recorded, no suspension of my licence, and no court costs. As I was driving down the M1 reflecting on what had just happened, and I felt freed. Pardoned. Even though I was guilty and deserved a fine and suspension, I was freed from what I deserved. And it gave me a new understanding of God’s forgiveness for me. I am guilty before God. I am a sinner. I do deserve punishment. But God has set me free. I am pardoned. But I deeply know that it cost Jesus His life. He died in my place.
Why follow Jesus? Because like me and everyone else, you are a sinner with a mountain load of debt that you simply can’t repay and therefore face eternal punishment. The good news is, Jesus paid for your debt with His life. You are forgiven.
To receive this gift of forgiveness, the Bible teaches what you must do: “If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” (Romans 10:9-10 NIV).
If you want to know about God’s forgiveness, please contact us.
If you want to receive God’s forgiveness, I invite you to pray this prayer.
Dear Father God.
I am sorry that I am a sinner.
Thank you for forgiving me.
Help me to believe that Jesus is Lord who died and rose again.
Enable me to trust and obey You.
In Jesus name. Amen
David Moyes