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Why Follow Jesus - 6. To Enjoy God's Purpose

Writer: David MoyesDavid Moyes

Hello and welcome to Van Life Devotions. The purpose of life has been pondered by philosophers, theologians, and thinkers throughout history. While there are a variety of suggestions what our purpose may be, most would agree that having a purpose in life is important because it provides direction and meaning, and enhances motivation, resilience, and emotional well-being. Today, I’m suggesting that one of the reasons to be a follower of Jesus is that you are given a purpose for living.


Individuals often discover their purpose in life through various means; for some, this occurs when they start a family, whereas others find it by utilizing their talents and passions. Many people encounter difficulties when their children become independent, upon retirement, or following the conclusion of their sports career. While parenting, professional work, or athletic competition may no longer define one's identity, followers of Jesus have purpose which brings fulfillment and identity.


For Christians, there is one purpose in life that despite changing circumstances and differing … remains the same. The Bible says that the purpose of life for followers of Jesus is to love God. Jesus was once asked by an expert teacher of the Jewish religion what is the greatest of all the commandments. And Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment” (Matthew 22:37-38 NIV).  


So the highest purpose in life for followers of Jesus is to love God and loving God looks different for each person. The Bible also says, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV). What this means is whether you work or volunteer or play sport, when you parent children, relaxing, or whatever you do, do so that honours God. Honouring God involves treating people with respect, caring for others, avoiding inappropriate material, being honest with taxes, showing integrity, being generous, reading the Bible, and praying. These actions demonstrate love for God and His ways, bringing Him delight.


Why be a follower of Jesus? To enjoy your purpose for living. You have a purpose. You don’t just exist. You were created for a purpose. The Bible says, “For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works…” (Ephesians 2:10 NIV).


There’s a husband and wife in the Bible who had a tent making business in Rome. Aquila and Priscilla were Jews and yet they were one of the very early converts to Christianity. However, under Emperor Claudius all Jews were expelled and therefore Aquila and Priscilla left Rome and found their way to Corinth and settled there. As followers of Jesus, they discovered God’s purpose of loving God which for them was expressed in a couple of ways. They continued in their trade of making tents, even providing work for a pastor named Paul. They opened their home for other followers of Jesus to meet for worship, teaching and support. They also helped young followers to grow in their new faith.


After a year and a half Aquila and Priscilla went to and lived in the great city of Ephesus and did the same thing - worked as tent makers and opened their home to followers of Jesus in what was a very hostile city towards Christians. Eventually they went back to Rome, probably after the death of Emperor Claudius and did the same things – continued in their trade and opened their home for the church to meet. In other words, when they became followers of Jesus, God revealed His purpose to them and so wherever they lived – Corinth, Ephesus and Rome Aquila and Priscilla did good works in their workplaces and their homes.   


Why follow Jesus? To enjoy God’s purpose for your life.


How do you follow Jesus? Trust and obey. Trust in faith that Jesus is God’s Son who saved you on the cross. And follow Jesus as Lord by obeying His teachings.


I invite you to pray this prayer with me:


Father God.

I am sorry that I am a sinner.

Thank you for forgiving me.

I acknowledge that I was create for the purpose

of loving you.

Help me to do good works wherever you plant me.  

Enable me to put my trust in You and

to obey Your teachings.

In Jesus’ name


David Moyes




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